Austoll Link Scam: A Deep Dive into the Fraudulent Scheme Sweeping Australia

In recent times, the rise of Austoll Link Scam has taken Australians by storm. A sophisticated fraudulent scheme, it exploits the unsuspecting public by tricking them into providing their credit card details under the pretence of unpaid road tolls. The scam operates through seemingly legitimate communication channels, making it incredibly deceptive and dangerous.

Anatomy of the Austoll Link Scam

The Austoll Link Scam is primarily perpetrated through SMS, Email, or Whatsapp messages, alerting individuals of an outstanding road toll that needs immediate payment. These messages often contain a link that supposedly directs the user to the payment portal. However, it's a trap leading to a scam website where the scammer harvests the card details of the unsuspecting victims.

Remember: Do not provide any information if you receive an unexpected call, email, or SMS demanding payment. Always contact the company or person through established channels to verify the information before making any payment.

How the Scam Works

Once on the scam website, users are prompted to enter their card details to clear the alleged toll dues. These details are then stolen and used to set up a digital wallet on a mobile device operated by the scammer.

In some instances, a verification code is sent to the user via SMS, and if this code lands in the hands of the scammer, they can make purchases using the new digital wallet. It's a multi-tiered scam that leaves victims vulnerable on multiple fronts.

Real-Life Impact of the Scam

The impact of the Austoll Link Scam is far-reaching. A victim of the scam, referred to as Phil for anonymity, shared his harrowing story. He entered his information on the scam website and even received an authorisation SMS, which he inadvertently entered on the screen.

"During the transaction it even sent an authorisation SMS to my phone, and I stupidly typed the special code into the screen," Phil said.

Following his realisation of the scam, Phil promptly contacted his credit card provider to cancel his Mastercard. However, he later discovered three unauthorised transactions amounting to $1,200 on his card, all originating from Target Parramatta and Target Chatswood.

Phil's boss also fell victim to the same scam, providing his credit card details in response to an SMS that claimed to be from Linkt.

The Scale of the Scam

Phil and his boss are but two among many victims of the Austoll Link Scam. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) reported that its Scamwatch arm had received about 2,000 reports on the Linkt scam from January to September.

The scam has resulted in a combined loss of $112,000, a figure that does not include unreported losses. The high number of reports and the substantial financial loss underscore the severity and widespread nature of this scam.

Guarding Against the Scam

The ACCC advises the public to exercise caution when receiving unexpected text messages, especially those containing links. It also suggests keeping an eye out for typos, spelling mistakes, and awkward wording - these can be telltale signs of a scam.

Be vigilant. Always verify the authenticity of a message before acting on it.

What to Do If You Fall Victim

If you have unknowingly divulged your account details to a scammer, it's crucial to take immediate action. Contact your bank to secure your account and report the scam to the ACCC via their report a scam page to help safeguard others from falling victim to similar scams.

Spreading Awareness

Sharing information about the Austoll Link Scam is an effective way to protect friends and family. Awareness is the first line of defence against scams, and the more people know about this fraudulent scheme, the lesser the chances of them falling prey to it.

Stay Informed

Stay updated about the latest types of scams in Australia by regularly visiting authoritative sources like Scamwatch


The Austoll Link Scam is a significant threat, but with knowledge and vigilance, it can be combatted. Always remember to verify the authenticity of any unexpected communication demanding payment, and never hesitate to contact the relevant authorities if you suspect a scam. Together, we can fight against such fraudulent schemes and protect our digital space.


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